Tuesday, 10 March 2009

Make a Good Impression at Work: Give Business Gifts

If you want to make a mark in the hearts of your colleagues at work, especially in the heart of your boss, give a business gift. Almost everyone loves to open a gift. It makes them feel appreciated and special. It will appear as though you are thinking of them. Doing this gesture can eventually benefit your career, as it gives attention to you and your good deeds.

A good strategy is to notice the people you come in contact with everyday. Do you get reports from the Accounting Department? Give their staff some token to say “thank you” for always giving reports on time. Do you rely on your Information Technology Department whenever you need help in your computer? Give their staff a little something just to pat them on the back and they will happily assist you, even prioritize you from the others. Yes, even the janitor who cleans your room or your desk needs a gift. Give him/her a little item to recognize the effort and he/she will double the work for you. Of course your boss is the most important person to give a special gift to. Consider also giving the company president or CEO a business gift.

Are you using business gifts to manipulate people? Of course not! The goal is to get you noticed. Your thoughtfulness and generous heart will be viewed in a positive light. Instead of just being another person at work, you will have a unique spot in their mind and in their heart.

Wait! Before you rush out right now and buy your business gifts, you may want to consider some suggestions to make your gift count. Choose an executive gift for your boss or CEO with care. You may give an expensive pen, clock or leather accessories. Whatever it is, make sure that he/she will be impressed and the gift is completely different from the rest of the staff. You do not want him to realize that he has the same gift as everybody else.

Does this mean that you will spend all your salary in business gifts? No way! The regular employees in your company could just have a nice paperweight or a simple pen. Give any little thing just to acknowledge their existence. This is not the same as with the executives mentioned above because the bosses have to be really impressed with your gift. Who knows, that will really make a mark and might give you the break you have been waiting for in your career.

Lottie Carrot works in the business gifts industry for Argon Promotions, the leading company in terms of innovative business gift ideas. Lottie works closely with businesses to help market their products and services by providing information and help in the selection of suitable business gifts for their advertising campaigns.


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